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Medicinal Herb – Amalaki

Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of medicine that is prevalent in India. It is entirely based on the power of nature and the natural herbs it provides to mankind. As we already know, the sages and “rishis” believed that Ayurveda and its herbs have the power to cure any disease. Today, we discuss the most important herbs of Ayurveda that help you stay healthy.

Medicines prepared from herbs not only cure diseases from the root but also have absolutely no side effects. They possess infinite power and can help in getting rid of stones in the bladder and other kidney and bowel movements, breathing problem and eye problems as well.

Amalaki or the Indian gooseberry, also commonly known as amla, possesses innumerable health benefits. The lemon sized fruit has a bitter taste and is said to be rich in Vitamin C. The amount of Vitamin C in one Amalaki is said to be four times more than any other citric fruits.

Amalaki is a powerful Rasayana. It has a very interesting property of being bitter when eaten at first, but after a few minutes, it leaves a sweet taste in the mouth, also known as Vipaka or the after taste.

The divine tastes - sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent, gives the fruit a holistic and balancing effect on the Doshas. This makes the fruit “Tridoshic” in nature which means that it has the ability and qualities to pacify all the three doshas that are prevalent in an individual. Amalaki is commonly used to improve health of the blood, bones, digestive system, liver and skin.

Here are some of the benefits of Amalaki:

  • Cholesterol: Amalaki may help prevent hyperlipidemia, which is a condition marked by abnormally high levels of cholesterol and other blood fats.
  • Diabetes: It helps to neutralize and balance the sugar level in the body.
  • High Blood Pressure: Scientists believe that antioxidants found in Amalaki may help normalize blood pressure by reducing oxidative stress.
  • Cancer: According to reports, Amalaki can help fight cancer by reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system.

Apart from the above mentioned diseases, Amalaki also helps in fighting diseases which are caused due to poor digestion because it helps rejuvenating the liver and cleans the system. If you long for radiant skin and luscious thick hair, then a glass of Amalaki juice or consuming the fruit in any form can help.

Next up, we talk about the other important herb in Ayurveda - “Bibhitaki”. Come back for that!

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